Friday, June 26, 2009


Memperbanyakkan mengingati Allah s.w.t dengan memohon ampun dan taubat. Ibu yang hamil digalakkan banyak mengingati Allah supaya hatinya tenang dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah s.w.t. Dengan ini diharapkan agar anak yang lahir nanti bersih hatinya dan ibu dapat melahirkan dengan tenang dan baik. Bapa juga digalakkan melakukan perkara yang sama ketika isterinya mengandung.Perempuan yang hamil juga digalakkan supaya banyak bermunajat ke hadrat Allah s.w.t dan memohon doa kepada-Nya semoga anak dalam kandungan sentiasa sihat dan agar dipermudahkan Tuhan bagi ibu tersebut. Doanya :

"Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani. Ya Allah, peliharalah anakku selama di dalam kandungan dan sembuhkanlah ia, Engkau Maha Penyembuh, tiada sembuhan melainkan penawar-mu, sembuh yang tidak meninggalkan kesan buruk. Ya Allah, lahirkan ia daripada kandunganku dengan kelahiran yang mudah dan sejahtera. Ya Allah, jadikanlah ia sihat sempurna, Ya Allah, elokkanlah perangai (akhlak), fasihkanlah lidahnya dan perelokkanlah suaranya untuk membaca hadis dan al-quran dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w".
Banyak melakukan ibadat, membuat kebajikan dan meninggalkan segala larangannya

Perempuan yang sedang hamil digalakkan memperbanyak mendirikan solat malam, solat sunnat, sentiasa menutup aurat.Manakala suami juga dituntut memperbanyakkan ibadat, berpuasa sunat terutamanya pada hari hari yang disunnatkan iaitu Isnin dan Khamis. Ibu yang hamil juga adalah digalakkan untuk sentiasa membaca makthurat terutamanya setiap kali selepas solat.

Memperbanyakkan membaca Al-Quran, ibu-ibu yang mengandung perlu memperbanyakkan membaca Al-Quran dan cuba memahami makna bacaanya. Antara ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang elok dibaca ialah : surah Al-Fatihah, surah at-Taubah, surah Yusuf, surah Luqman, surah an-nahl ayat ke 78 dan surah al-A'raf ayat 189. Selain ibadah ia juga dapat memudahkan bersalin, mendapat anak yang sihat dan sempurna, anak yang patuh dan taat pada Allah dan Rasul-nya.
Sentiasa berakhlak yang baik. Bagi ibu-ibu yang hamil hendaklah sentias menjaga akhlaknya dan bersikap baik kepad jiran tetangga, tidak suka berborak- borak kosong dengan jiran kerana sikap yang tidak elok ini boleh mempergaruhi anak yang akan dilahirkan kelak. Perbanyakkan membaca Al-Quran daripada berborak-borak kosong. Demekianlah amalan yang dituntut bagi ibu yang hamil untuk mengamalkannya semoga Allah akan memberi ganjaran pahala kepadanya dan diharapkan anak yang akan lahir nanti anak yang betul-betul taat kepada Allah, Rasul dan ibu bapanya.

Akhlak Suami kepada Isteri yang hamilSebagai suami pula, kita mestilah mempunyai akhlak yang baik dan memperlakukan isteri dengan baik tambahan pula di sedang hamil. Suami tidak boleh mengambil sikap sambil lewa dan tidak bertanggungjawab. Di antara perkara-perkara yang perlu dipenuhi oleh suami ialah:- sentiasa bersikap kasih sayang terhadap isteri.- sentiasa bersikap jujur dan tidak berlaku kejam terhadapnya.- jauhilah daripada kata-kata yang boleh menyinggung perasaanya walaupun dalam - keadaan marah, banyak beristighfar, berselawat dan ambil wuduk dan cuba - mengingati keadaan manis dan jasa isteri.- Janganlah kerap mengeluarkan perkataan Talaq kerana ini dapat mengganggu perasaanya dan juga kandunganya.- jauhilah daripada merendahkan isteri di depan orang ramai.- hargailah dan berikanlah pujian dia atas segala pemberian dan perbuatan isteri.- bantulah isteri dalam kerja-kerja rumah.- cuba fahami keadaan dan masalah isteri dengan mengambil berat tentang perasaan dan kesihatannya.- berilah semangat dan perangsang kepada si isteri dalam melakukan sesuatu agar beliau bertambah semangat. Tenagkan hatinya selalu jika dia mengalami kesusahan atau kesulitan.- bantulah isteri dalam melakukan kebaikan dan Ibadah.

Akhlak Isteri terhadap suami ketika hamil- menunjukkan sifat kasih sayang terhadap suami- menjaga lidahnya dari menyebut perkataan kesat dan keji.- Taat kepada segala perintah suami selagi ia tidak melanggar hokum Allah.- jangan cerewet dan menimbulkan masalah dalam rumahtangga.- hormatilah hak dan kelebihan suami juga keluarganya.- apabila suami dalam keadaan marah maka diamkanlah diri semoga ini dapat melembutkan hati suami.- berterus teranglah pada suami apabila timbul sesuatu masalah dan jangan was-was terhadap suami.- jangan merendah-rendahkan suami d hadapan orang lain.- jangan berlebihan dalam berbelanja dan hendaklah selalu bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.- jauhilah dari mencungkil rahsia-rahsia suami yang tidak dia sukai dan Janganlah sengaja mencari-cari kesilapan suami.- jauhilah dari perasaan mencintai orang lain lebih dari suami sendiri.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Book to Share:New Guide to Pregnancy and Babycare

Salam...saje je mengisi masa2 terluang ni....(yeker)....ini ada sebuah buku yg ku sempat baca skit2 tentang pregnancy hingga baby dah lahir smpai umur 5 tahun...bagus jugak buku ni...jadi ku mahu kongsi bersama rakan2 yg sudi jenguk blog ku yg tak seberapa ini...maap kalu gmbr kurang jelas..(ku bukan photographer profesional ya...) harap2,dapat membantu rakan2 yg sedang dlm pregnancy.....:) Ini buku itu....pregnancy and baby care (thanks to naem yg perkenalkan buku ni).....ku pinjam di library tmpt ku mencari rezeki...:)Ini page tunjuk pasal cara2 latching..suka buku ni tunjuk dengan jelas gmbr2nye...

Cara2 positioning....dan mcm2 lagi ada di dalam buku ini....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gambar Baby Comel

Rasa dh lama gak tak meng"update" blog ni....hari ni saje je bosan plak...aku dengan gembiranya satukan gmbr2 baby comei yg aku jmpe kt internet...sgt comei anak2 ini...
Minggu depan aku start check up kt UKMSC..harap2 semua ok...skang da nk masuk 34 makin kuat bergerak2 dlm perut ku...tak sabar nk jmpe baby ku sendiri pula.........I'm waiting for u my dear......................

Thursday, June 11, 2009

About Cloth Diaper

Mention the word ‘cloth diaper’ to a modern, harried urbanite and you are likely to be met with a look of shock and horror. When I tell my friends about cloth diapering, the response is usually, “But isn’t that SOOO messy and time consuming? All that laundering and poop scraping?” Despite a prejudice in our culture towards the quick-fix disposable, cloth diapers are really the only green choice when it comes to diapering. Not only are cloth diapers healthier, more economical and eco-friendly than their plastic cousins — but their ease of use and convenience has significantly improved over the last decade. Here are five great reasons to go cloth:
1. The Environment: According to a 2003 study published by Women’s Environmental Network, disposable diapers are the third largest consumer item in landfills and make up about 4 % of all solid waste. No one knows exactly how long it takes for the average disposable diaper to decompose, but it has been estimated at anywhere from 250 to 500 years. That means that the diapers you throw away today will still exist when your great, great, great grandchildren are born! Even after they are outgrown, cloth diapers can be used as rags, extending their usefulness for years.
2. Cost: Though cloth diapers cost more initially, they can be used on 100-150 times, on average. Cloth diapers can often be used for more than one child, too, so costs decline dramatically when younger siblings are born. The most expensive diaper services cost about $20 dollars a week, and the cost for home laundering diapers is dramatically less.
3. Not Your Mother’s Diapers: Forget about super-bulky diapers and leaky plastic covers! Cloth diapers have come a long way since the Boomers were babies. Today’s diapers come in every color under the sun, and pins have been replaced by clips, snaps, and Velcro closures. Numerous fit and style options make cloth diapers fun and functional.
4. Potty Train Earlier: On average, cloth diapered babies potty train a year earlier than babies who wear disposables. This is probably because disposables have a tendency to feel dry even when wet, so it takes longer for the child to realize what it feels like to be wet.
5. Better for Baby’s Skin: Because they commonly feel dry even when wet, disposables aren’t changed as often as cloth diapers. This leads to diaper rash and other skin irritations. Also, cloth diapers contain plastics and other chemicals that can cause skin irritations or allergic reactions.

Finding the Right Cloth Diaper for Youby Andrea McMann
Let’s face it, we are all trying to do the right thing these days, both as parents and as environmentally conscious consumers. For some, disposable diapers is the best route to go, for others - cloth diapers are the obvious choice. We are certainly not about preaching ‘the diapering gospel’ here at Inhabitots, but for those of you who opt for cloth and are confused about which cloth diaper to buy, here you go!
I have had the opportunity to test several different types of cloth diapers, and I have put together the following list of benefits and drawbacks of each of these options, along with my personal brand choice for each category.

  • POCKET DIAPERS These diapers, often made out of fleece, are luxuriantly soft and very easy to use. They come in a wide variety of cute colors and don’t require covers or fasteners. They usually feature several snap closures, which make fit adjustments a breeze. The major drawback to this type is the cost. They’re quite expensive, and you’ll have to buy several different sizes before your baby is potty trained. My favorite pocket diaper is Fuzzi Bunz.
  • ONE SIZE DIAPERS One size diapers are very easy to use, featuring many snaps which help the diaper to grow with your baby. They’re usually mid-priced. On the downside, if your baby is a preemie or smaller than average, these diapers likely won’t fit until she grows a bit. These diapers don’t require fasteners, but usually require covers. My brand choice for One-Size diapers is the Mother-ease® One Size Dry Diaper.
  • ALL-IN-ONE DIAPERSThese diapers offer the ultimate in easy diapering. No stuffing pockets or searching for fasteners or covers. As the name suggests, these diapers are all in one piece! They come in a bunch of cool colors, too. As for drawbacks, they’re very expensive, and you’ll have to buy different sizes as baby grows. My favorite all-in-one is bumGenius™
  • GDIAPERSThis revolutionary diapering system features washable covers and flushable, compostable inserts. These are a great choice for eco conscious parents who can’t or don’t want to wash a bunch of diapers or throw disposables away. I appreciated that these diapers close in the back, which makes them much harder for little hands to open. The gDiapers website is extremely helpful, featuring how-to videos and lots of tips. On the downside, they can be expensive, and they have a different feel than cloth. My daughter, who had worn cloth diapers for two years, wasn’t a big fan of the way gDiapers felt on her bottom at first. After she got used to them, she was fine.
  • PREFOLDSThese diapers are definitely the most inexpensive option available. They last practically forever, with minor repairs. These diapers also grow with baby. A wide variety of fabric options exist, including bamboo, hemp, organic, and unbleached cotton. The drawbacks are that they take a bit more time to use because of the folding. They can seem confusing until you get used to them, and they also require fasteners and covers. I loved my Chinese prefold diapers.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to Get Breastfeeding Off To A Strong Start

  1. Make sure your baby latches on correctly (have a lactation consultant show you how). An incorrect latch quickly leads to painfully sore nipples. Don't allow your baby to nurse with an incorrect latch while you wince and bear it. You'll be establishing a painfully bad habit which will soon make you want to give up. Instead, insert your finger into baby's mouth to break the suction, and pull away. Express a little milk onto your nipple, tease baby's lips until she opens wide enough to fit around your entire areola, and quickly pop your nipple in her mouth. The baby's mouth should cover your entire areola, and your nipple should be drawn into the back of his mouth, where sucking motions won't pinch it. If you feel pinching or pain, break away and try again.
  2. If you run into any difficulties or questions, ask for help from a lactation consultant. Join a breastfeeding support group like La Leche League for more tips, advice, and encouragement. Keep a copy of "The Nursing Mother's Companion" and "The Womanly Art Of Breastfeeding" for more detailed answers to every possible question. Go to for quality breastfeeding advice and tips.
  3. Establish a comfortable "nursing station" in your house. This could be a rocking chair or cozy corner of the couch, a nursing support pillow like "Boppy" or "My Breast Friend", a bottle of water, extra nursing pads, and a book or the remote control. Having a cordless phone on hand is helpful, too, so you don't have to disturb your baby to answer it.
  4. Follow your baby's cues, and nurse on demand. Your baby knows what he/she needs better than any book or schedule, and your breasts need frequent stimulation to produce the right amount of milk for your baby's changing needs from day to day. Learning to eat only when you're hungry and stop when you're full (instead of when the clock says) is an important healthy habit for life-long moderation and weight control. Forcing a hungry baby to wait for the clock can cause them to gulp down air, eat too much, and distrust that their needs will be met.
  5. Remember that most newborns have a growth spurt every 2-3 weeks. You can tell when one is about to start because all of a sudden they'll want to nurse non-stop around the clock. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your milk supply! Your baby is naturally "priming the pump", so to speak, to make sure your milk supply increases to meet the feeding demands of the growth spurt. Also, crying or constantly wanting to nurse doesn't mean they're not getting enough milk. It can mean gas, teething, reflux, a need for more skin-to-skin contact, or other things. Check with your pediatrician if you suspect a problem.
  6. DON'T SUPPLEMENT! So long as your newborn is having enough wet and dirty diapers (6-12 wet, 2-4 dirty in a 24-hour period), and maintaining or gaining weight, resist the temptation to supplement with formula.Breastfeeding naturally works on a supply-and-demand basis. Every time your baby feeds, he/she is stimulating your breasts to produce more milk for the same time the next day. Every time you supplement with a bottle instead of nursing, your body gets the message that there is no demand for milk, and will decrease production to prevent engorgement. The only way to bypass this is to pump every time that you bottle-feed.
  7. If you plan to go back to work, wait until nursing is well established before introducing the pump. No pump is as efficient as your baby in emptying your breasts and stimulating them to produce more milk. Skip the pump for as long as you can.
  8. Co-sleep. This makes night nursing much easier and helps everyone get more sleep, especially the first few months when baby's tummy is the size of a walnut. If a mother must go back to work during the day, co-sleeping is a great way to re-establish bonding time at night. For safety tips, see my article "How to Co-Sleep Safely With Your Baby".
  9. Learn to nurse in public. If you have to stay at home all the time or banish yourself to the car or dirty public restrooms and dressing rooms, you're likely to give up out of loneliness and frustration, and wean too soon. Learning to discreetly nurse wherever you may be is key to establishing a long-lasting, satisfying breastfeeding experience. For more tips, see my article "How to Breastfeed In Public".
  10. If you suspect a problem (such as your baby being tongue-tied), consult your pediatrician. If your baby is not gaining weight, or does not have enough wet diapers, check with your lactation consultant and pediatrician.
  11. Neither the World Health Organization or the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend introducing solid food (including cereal), before 6 months. A newborn's digestive system is still immature and developing, and introducing solid foods too soon can lead to digestive problems and food allergies. Breastmilk is best!

Proper Breastfeeding position

There are many considerations when deciding whether to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby. Whichever you choose, feeding your baby provides a good time to get to know each other and bond emotionally.
An article in the January 24/31, 2001, issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association discusses a program to promote breastfeeding that increased the likelihood of an infant being breastfed when followed up at three, six and 12 months. The study also found that infants who were breastfed had a reduced risk of developing gastrointestinal tract infections and atopic eczema (an inflammation of the skin caused by allergy).

Tips for Proper Breastfeeding Position

  • Correct positioning of your baby and proper latch-on of the breast are very important for successful breastfeeding.

  • Hold your baby so that her whole body is facing your body. You may want to use pillows for support.

  • Support your breast with three fingers below the areola (the pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple) and two fingers above. Make sure your fingers are behind the areola so your baby can draw both the nipple and areola into her mouth. Brush the center of your baby's lower lip with your nipple. This will stimulate your baby to open her mouth wide and latch-on to your breast. Your baby will draw the nipple and areola into her mouth and begin sucking.

  • If you experience pinching or pain when your baby begins to nurse, the latch-on may be incorrect. Slip your finger into the corner of your baby's mouth to break the suction, reposition your baby, and stimulate her to open her mouth and take your breast again with her lips and gums on the areola, not on the nipple.

Difficulties with Breastfeeding

  • Breast discomfort – Your breasts may become too full with milk (engorgement) and become painful, especially when milk first begins flowing after birth. Pumping some milk from your breasts before breastfeeding may provide relief. Engorgement is a temporary condition. As you continue breastfeeding, your milk supply will adjust to meet your baby's needs.

  • Sore nipples – Your nipples may become sore when you first begin breastfeeding. With correct breastfeeding position, nipple discomfort will go away.

  • Mastitis (infection of the breast) – If a milk duct becomes blocked, bacteria may infect that portion of the breast. The breast can become swollen, red and painful. Continue nursing your baby and contact your doctor.
    Contact your doctor if you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort in your nipples or breasts or if your baby cannot or will not nurse.

Breastfeeding & Infant Nutrition

(Saya sangat tertarik dengan logo di atas)
What should I know about feeding my newborn baby?
Today, most women are breastfeeding their babies. Breast milk is the best food you can offer your baby. Health Canada and the World Health Organization recommend that it should be the only food or drink for the first 6 months of life and after that breastfeeding should continue - with the gradual introduction of solid foods - for 2 years and more.
Breast milk is the best food for your baby to grow and develop. It is naturally and uniquely produced by each mother for her own baby. As your baby grows your milk will change to meet your baby's needs and is the easiest milk of all for your baby to digest. Breast milk has just the right amount of protein carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals, and, contains antibodies and other immune factors that help protect against infections and disease - benefits that last a lifetime. Breastfeeding has many benefits for the mother too and nurtures a special relationship between mother and baby.
Babies who are breastfed should receive a Vitamin D Supplement . This will prevent vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to a bone disease called rickets. When your baby starts getting vitamin D from other foods, you can stop giving the supplement.
There are rarely reasons not to breastfeed. If you smoke, you can still breastfeed, but you should consider cutting back or quitting smoking altogether. You should also avoid drinking alcohol. If you are sick or taking prescription medication, talk to your doctor.
Breastfeeding is natural, but it may take time for you and your baby to learn to breastfeed. It can take up to six weeks to establish breastfeeding so continue to breastfeed - it is important for your baby. If you need some advice or support there are many groups and individuals available to help you, including:
local breastfeeding support groups
lactation consultants
La Leche League
public health clinic or CLSC
They have experience with the problems you might have, and understand how you feel.
Whether or not you are breastfeeding, feeding a baby is an opportunity to bond. Mothers and fathers can make the most of the feeding experience by holding the baby close, talking softly and looking into the baby's eyes.

Fact: Men Can Breastfeed

Sri Lankan widower breastfeeds his babiesCOLOMBO: A 38-year-old Sri Lankan man, whose wife had died three months ago, appears to have the ability to breastfeed his two infant daughters, doctors said on Wednesday. The man, from the central town of Walapone, lost his wife during childbirth."My eldest daughter refused to be fed with powdered milk liquid in the feeding bottle. I was so moved one evening and to stop her crying I offered my breast. I then realised that I was capable of breastfeeding her," the man admitted.Dr Kamal Jayasinghe, deputy director of a Sri Lankan government hospital, was quoted as saying it was possible for men to produce milk if the prolactine hormone became hyperactive. (If man can,why don't we..)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Raya 2008

Ini gambar masa kenduri kt umah sepupuku..ktorang pun nk gak amik gmbr ngan pengantin...saje menyibuk kan...aku suka pelamin nye...cantik...hehe...

ni gmbr2 time raya tahun lepas...sape kt atas tu?ni anak buah sy gmbr masa kami semua kt umh mentua sepupu sy yg kawin time raya..naseb umhnye dekat ngan kg ktorang (Kuala Kangsar)...tgk anak buah sy tu suka buat gaya Ultraman die...heheheIni gambar ayah sy ngan cucunya Nur Ima Safiah,masa ni kenduri kt umah sepupu sy di Kajang...Tgk muka diorang sama tak????
Ini pulak gambar family kakak sy n mak sy...semua sedondon biru..nk ikut warna tema ke???yeke warna tema biru????cuba perhatikan semua tak ready tgk kamera...hehehehheheh

Ini pulak gmbr sy,husben n sape lagi kalu bukan mohd syafik...husben sy kata syafik "tak makan" saman...die very active boy...:)...baru ni sy tgk die tulis atas kertas kt umah mak sy...."ibu baik,ayah baik" ,"tok baik,nenek baik", "pak su baik,MAK SU baik"...hehhe...pandai betul syafik menulis skang...tulisannye pun cantik..cuma sy terlupa nk snap gmbr masa tu.....

Ha ni pengantin perempuannya...(sepupu sy tu lelaki) masa dia nk turun utk upacara akad nikah...

Untuk Permata Hatiku

Saje je aku create post ni..smlm sementara tunggu husben amik
aku kt umah mak,aku kemas2 barang2 yg aku dh bawak kt umah mak time aku berpantang nnt...tetiba rasa nk tangkap gmbr pla...ha ni selimut baby mak bagi..saje tangkap buat kenangan...thanks mak...

Ini pulak set spectra 3 extravaganza...hopefully aku betul2 manfaatkan for my little one nnt.....InsyaALLAH..permudahkan urusakanku Ya ALLAH..Sebelah tu gmbr beg tmpt aku beli set ni kt momslittleone di taman equine or kalu ade kwn2 berminat leh visit web ni (
Ha ni tau ape???cuba teka...bising mak saya beli tgk sy beli tungku moden katanya...aku buatla demo kt mak...tau mak kata ape???tak panas pun...pergh,aku rasa panas je pakai...die kata tak...aiseh...xdpt la aku nk ngelat tak pakai tungku batu ni....xapela apepun2 tungku moden ni boleh pakai bila2 masa tak kira time pantang atau tidak..kalu rasa sengal2 badan elok guna..sbb aku dah cuba...:)..nk tau lebih lanjut pasal tungku ni leh masuk (Kak Fazidah sy promo ni...hehe)

Ini pulak gambar bengkung moden pakai strap aje..bila aku tgk akak aku dulu punye seksa la nk pakai bengkung yg dok lilit n ikat tu,maka aku cari alternatif cari bengkung yg mudah sendiri pun leh pakai..n bagusnye lepas pantang pun still leh guna lagi kalu rasa perut da buncit kan...again if ada berminat sila layari

And yg ni plak perlu sentiasa aku bawak ke mana2...agak2 korang ape benda ni ek???
cubala teka....

Besday Nur Iman Safiah

Ini pulak gambar anak buah saya yg no 2...
gambar ni masa bday die akhir thn lepas jugak..

dok belek2 camera tgk byknye gmbr tak d/load..jadi sy masukkan la kt blog ni sekali...actually beday budak comel ni pd 23.12.2005...tgklatu ngan lipstik merah nye tuh...
Ini plak ngan abangnye...mcm besday dia la plak...nama die Mohd Syafiq....besala budak2 mmg cm gitu kan..apepun,kdg2 sy rasa rindu ngan gelagat dua org anak buah sy ni....

Breastfeeding Class

Ini gambar husben sy n papa2 yg lain tgh praktis
teknik susukan baby...

Salam..hai this is my first time create my own blog...tetiba teringin plak nk buat blog mcm kwn2 yg ada blog..rasa seronok plak baca blog kawan2..thanks to kak ziela yg tolong ajar cara2 nk create xtaula berjaya ke tak ni...just cuba jaya je..jadi utk first time ni just nk share sabtu baru ni (6.6.09) sy g kelas breastfeeding ngan husben kt SARAKIDS,TTDI,SHAH ALAM...dua org pakar laktasi iaitu Puan Farah and Puan Suraya telah berkongsi ilmu ttg penyusuan susu ibu....bagi sy kelas persediaan mcm ni bagus utk diikuti bagi bakal2 ibu mahupun ibu2 yg sudah mempunyai anak utk meningkatkan pengetahuan ttg susu ibu...Ketahuilah bahawa susu ibu adalah yg terbaik utk anak2 kita...Sy rasa sgt berbaloi dpt mengikuti kelas ini...Thanks n 2 thumbs up to both of u...

Doa dan harapan sy moga2 sy dapat menyusukan bayi secara esklusif selama 6 bulan...Tahukan apakah mksd secara esklusif selama 6 bulan tu?????Mengikut,Polisi Penyusuan Susu Ibu Malaysia esklusif selama 6 bulan bermakna kita tidak memberikan ape2 selain susu ibu (means air masak pun tak boleh tau...) Adoi...mak sy leh terima ke kalu sy kata mcmnie...hehe...entahle..


Ini pulak gmbr dh lama ambil (tak ingat datenya bila....) sbnrnye
Ini gmbr Rumah Sunda yg kami ambil
di area Hulu Langat...Mengikut kata
owner ni ni semua die buat utk dijadi
kan ala2 homestay gitu..

Nampak tak husben sy yg berbaju biru
itu..masa ni ktorang jadi mat n minah rempit je...hehe...jenuh gak berjalan nk nengok umah sunda ni...sorry sy tak pandai lagi nk susun gmbr2 ni...
harap maap jika berterabur ye...


Ini pulak gambar2 ms g course ni Ini kami dengan aktiviti
Nov last year...lama dh tue..hehe kalah...
Ini sy,bailah n fathin (pengantin baru

Ini hasil kerja group kami

Ini plak gmbr ahli group sy...